Monday, January 26, 2009
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Lowes Food Tour
Obviously Emily was used to getting so many snacks on the tour, that she thought she was supposed to eat the sign too! Gross!
Thanks Erin for setting up all these fun tours. We look forward to them!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
We went picture crazy...
Sarah had fun too... I don't think she even opened her eyes once while we were there. We are so lucky to have such a good baby!
Mommy Emily
Giving baby a ball to play with
Monday, January 19, 2009
Losing my mind..
- Driver's License (this was actually more than 2 months ago)
- Wallet (found at Dairy Queen- after calling twice looking for it)
- Temple Recommend (just found in my jewelry box after getting it replaced)
- Retainers (have had these for 15 yrs after my braces - $600 to replace)
- Brown belt
- 1 silver earring
- Pair of sunglasses
- numerous baby socks
- my free time at night since Sarah is up until 11 pm and just wants to be held!!! This one hurts the most, well maybe the $600 retainers hurts a little more.
However I have found something recently. I have found out that I CAN love another baby as much as I love Emily. AWWWW!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Sarah @ 2 months
At 2 months, Sarah...
smiles a lot
has started to coo
loves to fall asleep in mommy's arms or on her shoulder
slept for 7 hours one night, but is back to waking up every 3 -4 hours
has a strawberry birth mark on the bottom of her face
gets stories read to her by Emily
is great in the car and when we are out and about
I tried to take some pics to document the 2 month mark, however I have learned that it takes more than a nice camera to get a good shot. It might help if I wasn't trying to prop up a baby that can't hold herself up while fighting off a 2 year old that
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Catch Up
Then that weekend we went down to my dad's for our Christmas exchange and the to watch the UNC game.