Thursday, October 15, 2009

Emily is 3!

Emily turned 3 this week!!! On one hand, I can't believe she is already 3; however on the other hand, it seems like forever since the day she was born. Here are a few pics from the last 3 years.





Here is a little bit about Emly at this age:

She loves to color, dance, sing and watch TV (a little too much TV actually). At any point of the day, she probably has her blankie, a cup of milk and her purse nearby. She is very into princesses and dress up right now and is usually wearing some type of dress up skirt, jewelry or hat. She loves to stay up late and fights bed time, then wakes up grumpy and won't take a nap...oh fun times! Besides being grumpy in the morning, she is quite content and a happy little girl. She is very observant and comments on everything as we are driving down the street or reading a story. She tends to be reserved in new situations and around new people and observes from the side before jumping in.

She loves her Nana, her cousins, her friends and her little sister. She is so sweet to Sarah. She watches out for her and helps her when needed. She loves to be the first one to go into Sarah's room when she wakes up. She loves playing with her kitchen and dollhouse and going to dance class. She does not like eating. Nor does she like staying in the stroller or grocery cart. She loves animals (usually talking about them, not actually holding them) and being outside.

At times she is quite headstrong and does want to listen. I am hoping this is just a toddler trait and not lifelong. She has quite an expansive vocabulary and it is very interesting to hear her ideas and opinions about things. We are working on learning the letters and writing them. She loves to have one on one time with mommy while Sarah is napping and usually wants to play a game. I am so happy to have Emily as a daughter and love her more than I thought possible.

Happy Birthday Emmie!

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Happy birthday Emily! She really is such a beautiful little girl. Hope you documented the big day. See you next week!