Friday, December 2, 2011

Sarah and Zoe

These 2 little girls.... they are something else. They LOVE each other. They get so excited to see each other. Sarah goes to Zoe's house every Monday morning. Zoe comes to our house every Wednesday morning. They know they will see each other in the hall of the preschool on Friday. They are in the same class on Sunday. There are major problems if they do not see each other on these days. 
However they do have their disagreements and one time Sarah got in big trouble for hitting Zoe. Now she says EVERY day, "Zoe coming to my house today? I not hit her today"
They are currently obsessed with tattoos (or "Tats" as Zoe calls them). One day Zoe came over and saw Sarah's latest tattoo and said, "Oh, Sarah you got a new tat! Cool" For some reason, this kind of worries me about these 2 as teenagers. 

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

That is the funniest thing ever! Where did they hear about 'tats'! Those two little girls are just too cute!