Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Disney on Ice

For Christmas, Nana treated us all to Disney on Ice! We all had such wonderful time at the show and just being together. 
Ashley and her girls came down Friday night. Of course, Abby was spoiled with lots of snuggling!

The girls got all dressed up as princess and we had a yummy brunch

The Nana played her annual Family Trivia game. Can't you tell she was a teacher for 30 yrs??!
The girls didn't know where Nana was taking them that afternoon. So after the game, she said "Guess where we are going today?" Sarah jumped up and said "Disney World!" Ha! Ha! Not quite, maybe next year, Sarah!

The princesses were all ready to go to Disney on Ice!

The show was AMAZING! I have been to a few Disney on Ice shows, but this one seemed so enjoyable because I loved watching the exticement on the girls' faces.

Such happy, happy girls!
My sister Ashley and her girls

Mom and her sister Barbara

Of course Mom had to buy one of the $15 souveniour photos... which Andy also took a picture of from the side. I was pretty sure they frown on that kind of thing, but then the photographer agreed to take a group shot with our camera. So maybe they don't care.
What a fun day!
The girls have since asked many times, "Can we go back to watch the princesses on ice?"
Thank you, Nana!

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Aw, your mom is the sweetest! What a fun memory for your whole family! I forgot to tell you what Emily said in class. Sister Crowe was asking how each child got their name. When she got to Emily she said, 'so is your grandma named Emily or Jordan?' & Emily replied with, 'no, her name is nana'. We laughed so hard. :)