Tuesday, May 5, 2009


My girls are growing up today...

Emily - Actually sat on the potty and went... twice today! However we did have one accident this evening, which reminded me why I had been putting this off. She is definitely ready to be potty trained, so hopefully this will be QUICK transition. Isn't that wishful thinking??! She was bugging me to go to the store and buy a flute for her today. So I told her if she started sitting on the potty and could stop wearing diapers then I would buy her a flute. That was all it took! But now I am thinking, which is worse... changing diapers or listening to her playing a recorder all day long?? Maybe she will forget about the recorder. :)

Sarah- She is not going to outdone by her big sister. So less than 30 minutes after Emily's big potty celebration, Sarah rolled over from her back to tummy. I knew it was coming because she has been squirming and twisting all around lately. It is a bittersweet moment... because once they start moving, they never stop! Sarah doesn't get mentioned enough on our blog, so I promise to dedicate a full post to just Sarah soon!


Nana said...

Yeah Sarah! You are such a good little baby, smiling so easily and now rolling around. I can't wait to see it for myself.

Big Girl Emily! You can play your recorder at Nana's as long and as loud as you want. I'm proud of you.

Carolina Chocolate said...

Hooray! Rolling over, fun times. Potty training, not a fun time. I decided to do the hard core potty training where you don't do anything BUT potty train. It took 3 days and it was the longest 3 days...totally exhausting, but oh so worth it. However, it was about a week or so before I went places with her. It was months before I stopped worrying about an accident in the middle of Walmart or a restaurant!

I laughed when I read Nana's comment about the recorder. My mom would say the exact same thing!!

Loved seeing ALL of you! Thanks again for coming. I wish we had more time together to catch up. Hopefully soon, we can see each other again.

Erin Marriott said...

Wow, she is getting so big. I actually noticed at Pottery Barn yesterday how much she's growing! She's doing all kinds of new things! And Emily is growing up right before our eyes! Lillie just loves her.