Friday, March 5, 2010


I took the girls bowling with a few friends recently. It was quite an adventure! Surprisingly we managed to finish all 10 frames and only had about 3 balls that never made it down the lane. Oh goodness!

When we got there, Lily and Emily were cheering for a group of old people everytime a ball went down the lane. Hopefully, they found it cute and not super annoying. :)

I love these pics of Emily. She was so excited to get started, however she quickly lost interest.

And look at these studly boys... Malcom (on the right) was so proud of his SPARE!

Afterwards, we went into the game room so the kids could play some games. They had this train ride that Emily wanted to do. But as you can see from her face.... she did NOT like it! Way too loud! (Is it bad that I took a picture of her instead of helping her??!) Luckily, my girls are complete opposites, so I just took Emily off and put Sarah on the ride.... and she loved it!

Sarah liked playing the games and once Emily recovered from the traumatic train ride, she liked the slide.


Lindsay said...

What a fun little adventure--we should do that for joyschool?? You can be in charge of that one. :)

Carolina Chocolate said...

Bowling? How fun! I bet you guys laughed a lot. Oh, I love the train picture. You gotta capture all fun moments in life. ;)