Sunday, January 31, 2010

Around the house

Here are a few random pictures of us just hanging out at home...

Sarah is such a bigger helper unloading the dishwasher...

Wait... don't put it in your mouth!

Oh No! It was in your mouth, don't put it in the drawer!

Who can be mad at you, Sarah?!

Hanging out in the tent

Smoothie Night!

Sarah's favorite spot

So happy when Daddy comes home!

Afternoon movie with popcorn

Playing in Sarah's crib


Carolina Chocolate said...

Love the help with the dishwasher.

Lindsay said...

I just LOVE that Sarah girl--just seeing pictures of her makes me smile. :)

Jennifer said...

Aidan has always loved helping empty the dishwasher too! Unfortunately, I don't think it lasts through the teenage years!!! Emily and Sarah are both so adorable.
Everyone would love to see ya'll. Stop by sometime!

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