Tuesday, February 2, 2010


The much hyped snow of the year came last week!!!
Emily was so excited about the snow. When it started Friday night, she was running window to window to watch it fall.
Saturday she was anxious to go sledding, have a snowball fight and make snowmen. I think she knew about all these fun things from TV.

However the TV shows failed to let her know that the snow is WET and COLD. We got in a few minutes in the snow and then she was WET and COLD and wanted to go back inside.

Sarah felt the same way --- "Get me back inside!"

Emily was much happier to be inside, back in her pjs and making Valentine's Day cookies!

Day 2 in the snow was a little bit better. Actually we had more ice than snow, so when we were walking we wouldn't even go down in the snow we were just skating across a layer of ice. So I put Sarah in a stroller and just rolled her around on the ice. Fun times!

The big thing in our neighborhood was driving 4 wheelers around in the snow. So Emily got out her tractor so she could fit in. Too bad it didn't work since she couldn't get any traction.

A guy in our neighborhood was pulling his kids on sleds behind his lawn mower. This does look fun, but doesn't it just screamed REDNECK??!

And we actually made it out on the 3rd day too. However it was just for a little bit because it was right before dinner. Emily's crush was outside, so she wanted to go out.

Her crush is our neighbor Hayden. The funny thing is that she really doesn't play with him all that much, but she talks about him ALL THE TIME. He is 7 and "he goes to school." I guess that is the appeal. He is very sweet to her and he let her throw snowballs at him....actually they were balls of ice, so that makes him even sweeter!


Carolina Chocolate said...

Yeah! I'm glad you guys got a good snow storm. We got about 8-9 inches and it really was a lot of fun. I'll have to post it soon.

Nana said...

Yes, I prefer the inside activities too, but everyone sure looks cute in their snow attire.

Amy M said...

I can't believe how big Sarah is getting! I used to think your girls looked so alike, but now Sarah looks more and more like Andy. Crazy!