Monday, August 22, 2011

4 months...

... and as cute as they come!

Abby is such a good baby!
She laughs at everything and everyone.
She loves being bounced up and down and thrown around by Daddy.
She is a great sleeper and no longer has to be rocked to sleep, but sometimes I still do because she is my baby girl!
She cries for only 3 reasons... hungry, tired or nobody paying attention to her.
She loves this little white bear. She grabs on to it at night and lays it over her face.
She still has to have her paci all the time.

Weight: 12lbs, 11oz (25%)
Height: 24.25 in. (40%)
Head: 40.4cm (30%)

A few months ago our pediatrician recommended a ultrasound be done on her sacral dimple. An abnormality was noted because they could not detect the "bottom" of the hole, so they referred us to a Neurosurgeon at UNC. The Neurosurgeon then recommended an MRI. So on July 29th, we went in for the MRI. I was a bit nervous about the anesthesia, but felt sure the results of the MRI would be normal. She couldn't nurse after 5:00, so I was worried she would be quite fussy. However she was happy as could be and the nurses were eating her up. We didn't actually see them put her under, so it wasn't too bad on me.
After 2 hours they came and got me and it was quite stressful for awhile
trying to get her to fully wake up and nurse. The nurse suggested giving
her a bottle of apple juice and that did the trick!

And thankfully the results of the MRI reported that surgery would NOT be needed! What great news!

**And actually Abby is now 5 months I am officially a month behind in blogging!**

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Aw, that face is just the cutest! I can't believe how fast this time is going with our little babies. She is definitely a Morris baby. And just as adorable as her big sisters!