Saturday, February 7, 2009

Valentine's Party!!

Yesterday we went to a fun Valentine's party with our playgroup from church. Emily was so excited about the party. I think she was really excited about the cupcakes that I told her she would be getting.

The party started out with cute Valentine stories and songs.
Then we decorated a bag for the Valentine's.

Then we decorated and ATE the cupcakes!

Passed out Valentine's and even got a group picture.

I think Emily was most excited when she got home and realized there was CANDY in her bag. At one point she came running into the room screaming "Chocolate Candy!" I realized later (after she didn't take a nap and was still running 90 mph at 8:30) that she probably was on a major sugar high!

Here are my VALENTINES!


Ashley said...

I love the cheeks on your 2 little Valentines. so cute.

Nana said...

What fun! Hope to see my little valentine's some this weekend.