Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Oak View Park

For a recent joyschool activity, we took a tour of the Historic Oak View County Park. I had never even heard of place, but we had a great time. They had a really cute kids corner in the vistor's center with a play kitchen, books, puzzles, animals and dress up clothes.

Then we took a guided tour of the homestead and cotton gin. The kids enjoyed spinning the "mini" cotton gin and picking some cotton.

Emily loves being outside. She doesn't really like getting dirty (or sweaty), but she loves to just twirl, sing, pick flowers and dance in the sunlight.

They had 2 goats for the kids to pet.

Then we ended the fun day with a picnic lunch! Perfect!
On a side note, Sarah is no longer happy and content to just sit and watch the big kids, she wants to be out running around. However as you can see in the pic, her foot turns in as she walks. Anyone have any suggestions on to how fix this or does it just fix itself??? The doctor said to "keep an eye on it." Not much help there


Lindsay said...

That was a fun little outing, I'm glad we went! Love the pic of Emily dancing outside, that is SO her, right?! :)

Christy said...

Suzanne, if it makes you feel any better, Sylvie was bow legged and pigeon toed for two years before her legs straightened out and her toes stopped turning in so much. She still has it a bit on one foot but when we went to see the orthopedist he said that since there was no joint or foot deformity that she would most likely grow out of it by 4 years old. I had to insist on going to the orthopedist, my Dr. kept telling me just to watch it also but I wanted some real reassurance that she didn't need some sort of brace or special shoes. 2 of my brothers had to wear special shoe braces as kids to turn their legs and feet out.