Friday, January 18, 2008


We have some sad news to share... I found out this week that I have had a miscarriage. I was about 10 weeks pregnant and we went in for our first doctor's appointment on Thursday. We had gone through about an hour long appointment just talking to the nurse and doctor and getting some blood work done. After all that, we had an actual exam and ultrasound. Initially Andy and I were so excited to see the baby on the ultrasound. But then the doctor told us there was no heartbeat. I was devastated. The baby was measuring at about 8 weeks, so something obviously happened two weeks ago.

Our doctor was very sweet and understanding. He suggested we go ahead and do the the D & C that afternoon. So we went home and after Emily's nap, we took her over to our neighbor's and headed to the hospital. We had to wait awhile because our doctor had an emergency procedure to handle. The actual procedure didn't take long and I didn't feel a thing, thanks to some nice medicine.

During the procedure, the doctor realized I had a uterine septum, which is a wall that didn't dissolve when my uterus was forming. It is down the middle of my uterus and does not have much blood flow. Therefore if the baby attached to that wall and not an outside wall, it wouldn't survive because of the lack of blood. The doctors are going to do an ultrasound of my uterus next month and then we will decide how to proceed. It sounds like it would be a relatively simple procedure to cut the wall, they just need to see where it is and how thick it is. They are pretty impressed that I was able to get pregnant with Emily so quickly and did not have her prematurely.

Overall, I am doing fairly well today, considering I was an emotional wreck yesterday. I am trying to think of all of the positive things about this situation. And I also know that everything is in Heavenly Father's hands. He knows what is best for me and my family and it just wasn't time for us. Andy has been AWESOME and took off work today too and has taken care of Emily. I am still in some pain from the D& C, so he carries Emily everywhere for me and is even changing all her diapers. (I am not sure I can get him to continue this for much longer. )

Maybe this isn't something I should share with the whole blogging world, but writing about it helps give me some closure. It is amazing how many women have gone through this same thing, sometimes multiple times. I admire their strength as I try to learn and grow from all this.


Nana said...

Suzie, Thinking of you and Andrew. It does my heart good to hear your perspective and feelings. I appreciate you sharing this tender time with friends and family. Your words are comforting to those who love and care about you. Love, Mom

Lindsay said...

I am so sorry to hear what you've had to go through this past week. I really admire your strength though. If you need me to watch Emily at any time, feel free to drop her off. Call me if you ever need to talk. I know it's a hard time for you and Andrew but just like you said, it's in the Lord's hands now and He will take care of the rest.

Christine said...

Suzie, we love you guys and are thinking of you. How you and Andrew have handled this experience is, like mom said, a strength and comfort to those of us who love and care about you so deeply. Love you, Christine

Ashley said...

I am glad you decided to share this on your blog. So many people learn and grow from hearing others stories. I love you and will keep you in my prayers.

Chapman Family said...

I am thinking of you and praying for you! I know how you feel and if you need to talk I am always here! Just know that the Lords plan is bigger than our own desires. I am sure that someday we will know the reason for these moments of trial and sadness in our lives. I can say that it makes me even more thankful for the little spirits that have I have been blessed with. Each child is truely a miracle. Just know that you have friends to lean on if you need a shoulder! Love ya, Michelle

Anonymous said...

I just found out and am so glad to see you wrote about it. It is a real loss for you and Andy and those of us who love you are happy to grieve with you. Thanks for sharing. Love you, Shawn