Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Saturday morning with Nana

Emily had a fun Saturday morning with her Nana. As you can see, Nana lets her break all the rules and sit on the table and eat chips out of the bag. Just kidding, Nana is great and loved having Emily all to herself. And Emily loved showing her nana how independent and fun she can be. Oh, Emily LOVES to feed other people. It is her new favorite thing.

I thought this was so funny, so I took a picture. She was eating a snack and wanted to look at the new Pottery Barn Kids catalog. This made me laugh because I can just imagine her as a teenager flipping through a magazine. Speaking of which, I don't think I will survive the teenage years. I have always thought Emily was a very passive and easy going kid, but the physical therapist commented today that Emily was very strong willed. Andy thinks I spoil Emily now and am setting myself for a hard road years to come.
I think the hard years are going to come, regardless!

1 comment:

Christine said...

Pottery Barn Kids --- she has expensive taste already! She is cute, cute, cute!