Saturday, May 28, 2011

Being a mom

 Being a mom definitely comes with a lot of challenges. Some days are really hard. Like the day Sarah *almost* drank rubbing alcohol. Or the day the girls broke a dozen eggs in the grocery store. Wait, that was the same day! Anyways, after a rough day Andy reminds me that not every day is like that. He is right, some days the girls dance around the house like fairies and never get in a fight and do everything I ask. Well maybe not, but pretty close.
 I try to cherish the sweet moments and the appreciate their innocence. Emily has such an vivid imagination and is very inquisitive about things. She can't be quite funny too and can really get me laughing. Sarah is very expressive and I love to watch her face and eyes as she talks. She draws you in. And Abby... is a new baby and everything about a new baby is perfect.
My girls and I on Mother's Day

The hardest part is knowing that I am setting an example for these girls. My role as a mom and my relationship with Andy and others will set a pattern for the choices they will make as they get older. Right now they love their mom and copy everything I do, so I know I have to be on my best behavior!
Walking in momma's shoes


Lindsay said...

Well just so you know, I think you are a FANTASTIC mom! Your girls are so lucky to have you! And yes having kids is challenging, but I guess we just have to keep doing the best we can--which you are!

I miss you friend, it's been too long. And I am about to leave for THREE weeks. Things will get back to normal again, right?! See you tomorrow.

Erin Marriott said...

I love what you said about how they watch everything we do and say. I think you are such an example to your children. I am so lucky to have such a good friend like you! You are an example in my life.