Saturday, May 28, 2011

Heaven on Earth

We had to take Abby to a Dr's appt in Chapel Hill recently (more on the appt later). We decided to spend some time walking around campus with the girls. Sarah and Abby ended up falling asleep in the stroller, so Emily loved all the attention and photos.

Emily and "Silent Sam"

Emily and Mommy on the kissing bench.

Andy told Emily she couldn't kiss anyone else on this bench until she is at least 30! For those that don't know, the legend is you will marry the one you kiss on the bench.


Sarah woke up in time for one last picture!

Every time I go back to Chapel Hill it seems like it is a perfect spring day. Everything looks so beautiful- like heaven on earth. It was fun to share it with Emily and for Andy and I to reminisce. We met after I had graduated from UNC and right when he was finishing up, so we never spent much time on campus together. It was fun comparing our experiences, however it did make me miss my roommates!


Ashley said...

I have a feeling you might disown your daughter if she ends up anywhere besides Chapel hill. I love the picture of Emily laying on the seal.

Suzanne said...

Yes, we will disown her.

Sharon said...

I will cherish the day that one of the girls comes home with excitement because they are going to Duke or NC State

Erin Marriott said...

I still love your stories about UNC, and how you two met. I love reminiscing about those dating years. They seem so long ago. So crazy how kids, a house, makes those years seem SO short and so long ago. Love all your pictures!