Monday, May 16, 2011

Day at the park

The day before we Easter, we got together with Andy's family for lunch and an Easter Egg Hunt. Abby got to meet a lot of the family for the first time.

Easter Egg Hunt

The park also had lots of cute rides. The girls LOVED the rides. Sarah has never been a fan of rides, but she liked these... except for one that had a scary face and made loud noises. She started crying after it started, so we couldn't do anything, but it was so sad watching her.

There was also a train.... with a tunnel. Check out Sarah's face as she notices the upcoming tunnel and then is IN the tunnel!

There was also a clown there making balloon animals. Sarah and Emily hadn't gotten a balloon animal yet, but were playing with the remnants of a popped balloon. Sarah got upset and went running to Pappa (andy's dad) and was complaining about Emily taking the balloon. So he takes Sarah to get her very own balloon. She comes back with a skip in her step and the biggest smile on her face wearing this thing...

Of course, she went right over to Emily to show it off. So Pappa was off with Emily to get her a balloon. These girls have already learned who to go to, to get what they want!

The best part of the day was the cupcakes made by Sharon and Chestin.
They read, "We are having a BABY!" (picture was taken after a few cupcakes were gobbled up)
We are so happy for them!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

The train pictures of Sarah made me laugh so hard. Hilarious!