Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Baby #3

I realized I never posted about our ultrasound on the blog. I made the announcement on Facebook, but here are a few pictures.

We went in a few weeks ago. Emily was very excited about seeing the baby on TV and finding out if it is a boy or girl...

It's a (another) Girl!

I love these pictures of her hands over her face. She was done with the ultrasound!

We were kind of thinking it was going to be a boy this time, but we are happy about another girl. I am one of 3 girls, so I think it is perfect. Andy is just happy he doesn't have to paint the nursery, however he is dreading all the weddings we will be paying for.  :)

Emily wanted another sister, so she is thrilled keeps asking if my belly is big enough for the baby yet.  Speaking of which, here is picture of my bump at 20 weeks!


Carolina Chocolate said...

Congrats! You look fabulous!

pagefamily said...

AWESOME! You are just made to be a "girl" momma! You had lots of experience :). You look fantastic too!