One night we had a really bad thunderstrom in the middle of the night. The thunder was so loud we thought Layni would come scared to our room. However she didn't and the next morning Andy asked Layni if she was scared and why she didn't come into our room. And she said, "But what about Emily? I couldn't leave her." How adorable! I hope they continue to be buddies. It was hard for those girls to say goodbye...quite a few tears!
Our neigbhors couldn't take their swing set with them when they moved, so they gave it to us. We had to buy a new swing, but this has become Emily's favorite thing to do these days. She wants to swing ALL THE TIME. She is always saying "Mom. Push. Swing." However her favorite time to ask is 8 AM, so she usually gets a "Not right now." Which then leads to a melt down. We usually go out there for a while before lunch and then Daddy pushes her when he gets home from work. She would stay there all day if we would let her.
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