At 2 months, Sarah...
smiles a lot
has started to coo
loves to fall asleep in mommy's arms or on her shoulder
slept for 7 hours one night, but is back to waking up every 3 -4 hours
has a strawberry birth mark on the bottom of her face
gets stories read to her by Emily
is great in the car and when we are out and about
I tried to take some pics to document the 2 month mark, however I have learned that it takes more than a nice camera to get a good shot. It might help if I wasn't trying to prop up a baby that can't hold herself up while fighting off a 2 year old that
I can just picture the the whole photo shoot. I think the pictures are good.
I can't believe she is already 2 months old. Wow, what a cutie.
What a cutie! My favorite one is where she is kind of sticking out her tongue.
Man, I just want to kiss those chubby cheeks! Chubby cheeks are the best.
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